Sometimes the term used will apply to a group only in a certain context. A group of geese on the ground are referred to as a "gaggle" while, in flight, it is a "skein". Ironically, a group of Baboons is referred to as a "congress".
Some examples:
A mimsy of birds
A rascal of boys
A kaleidoscope of butterflies
A stumble of drunks
The coining of such terms is also a popular "parlor" or car game. So we're announcing a contest
today to come up with one or more terms for the following across three different websites. The prize for each is a signed Mindscape image from our Mindscape photo blog, valued at $295.
Please suggest a term for each or any of the following:
- A gathering of [name of any public figure]____________ supporters.
- A friendly gathering of "talking heads" on "Hardball with Chris Matthews"
- A screaming, blathering group of disagreeing "talking heads" on "Hardball with Chris Matthews"
- A group of expatriot Obama supporters
- A gathering of Sarah Palin supporters
- A group of Florida voters
- A group of Minnesota voters
- A group of Bill O'Reilly viewers forced to watch Keith Olbermann
- A group of Keith Olbermann viewers forced to watch Bill O'Reilly
- Add your own
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